We have the technology to get you riding the crest
some technical assistance?
We can provide the support you need
make websites look more personal
So we stuck some in this banner
Big data
is a buzzword... Big or small?
We really can help manage, record, report & mine your petabytes
to work from from somewhere sunsoaked?
We build applications you can reach from anywhere
engines like us
We can get them liking you too
ahead of your competition
We have the skillset to get you flying
to do more than wet the surface?
We can help you negotiate the the rapidly changing bla bla
random action shot. No, not me
I am here at the keyboard ...as usual
We supply, consult build and provision
From shared... ...to sharded
Computer Vision
We have worked fairly extensively on computer vision, face and object recognition and classification, optical charactor recogniton, licence plate extraction et al, using a variety of software and services. These include: